Monday, February 27, 2006


It stretched my knowledge of HTML and really tested my patience but I made a few changes to my blog, new template, color scheme, and some links on the right-hand side. Did you notice? What do you think?

In case you need a visual, here's the old version...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Oh Yeah Baby, That's The Good Stuff!

My name is Ansley and I'm a Sudoku-oholic.

It started so innocently, bored on a plane ride at Christmas, I opened the in-flight magazine to do the puzzles and, never having heard of this game, did one. After my first taste, I could have easily turned back never to do it again. But then I was given a book of them for Christmas a few weeks later. I just did it recreationally at first, once here, once there. But now I think about it when I'm falling asleep, bored in class, or have a few minutes at the hospital and wish I had one. I find my thoughts returning to them more and more. Anyone out there who wants to start a support group with me?

Monday, February 13, 2006


I know it's a day early but I want a week of love, not just one day. So here's a conglomeration of things I love.

Portland, always, but especially on a clear day

Chocolate milk

17 weeks till I graduate

Painted bedroom walls

Free music on sixeyes and 3hive

There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread. - Mother Teresa

Fresh oranges

Loving, supportive, smart, and generous friends and parents

The Multnomah County Library

My sewing machine

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. - Buddha

Gift certificates and store credits - like shopping with play money!

Faith, hope, belief, knowledge, and gratitude

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart. And try to love the questions themselves. - Rainer Maria Rilke


Long, soul-opening phone calls with friends

Developing a green thumb, slowly but things are blooming

Old family photographs

Mike's Sunday School lessons and knowledge of Hebrew

The second part of a two-parter

My book club

Courage to get through fear and memories of having done so in the past that remind me of my strength.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Warm, Cozy, Toasty, and Cheap

That's me, modeling the lastest in sleeping bag fashions from the Norm Thompson Outlet "going out of business" sale. I guess it might have been better to model it as I will use it, lying down and asleep, rather than looking like I am auditioning for the part of the caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland; whatever. So excited to use it and be toasty. And the best part, it was on sale, then on sale, and finally on sale, so it was only $55. Camping anyone?