I've mentioned Wordstock in years past. It's one of my favorite Portland events. And it starts in 3 days! This year, while the focus is firmly centered on books, there is also a part that is dedicated to food. I love the theme: Don't be a picky reader, be a literary omnivore. I love the tie-ins at local grocery stores.
I like to think I'm a simple girl with simple wants. I'm happy with my 1 BR/1 BA apt, 10 year old car, and Target/Old Navy-filled closet. Lately, I've been enjoying the fall weather with urban hiking around my neighborhood instead of being indoors at the gym. Like I said; simple girl, doesn't even need the gym.
I live in NW Portland, so to make it a hike, I've been taking the stairs up the side of the hills and the steep streets. But... this route takes me right past some gorgeous houses. At the very top of Fairfax Terrace there's a house with what I think were a Lichtenstein in the foyer and a Calder on the deck.
A little bit down the hill is my favorite house. It's for sale, I might be able to buy it with 9 of my closest friends. But I love it! Maybe I am a simple girl, willing to settle for no famous art. I'd be happy with a simple 4 BRs and an amazing view.
Today, at a Labor Day BBQ, the conversation turned to honey, that's normal right? Someone then said that true vegans don't eat honey. We started talking about the other things vegans don't eat and I waxed poetic about my love of most things dairy. Here's my new favorite find. Tart Frozen Yogurt. And thanks to Dreyer's, it's available in your grocer's freezer in large containers (although not as large as they used to be, grrr!) So far I've only tried the mango but I have plans to try the others and so should you.
*Doesn't that sound more like a hazmat warning than a selling point?
A lazy start to my Saturday included a browse of google reader. I mostly read blogs of friends but I do like to check out a few of the pretty ones too. Bliss, by the always inspiring Traci French, is one of my favs. I have met her IRL and she is amazingly sweet so maybe I can move her over to the first group. Her post today showed some beautiful green boots and reminded me of a pair I saw at Imelda's last week. While I couldn't find the green boots (Biviel 2257, if you find them, let me know), I did find lots of other boots calling my name. I hope to have more than a one-night stand with several of these.
It's been a little cloudy and rainy here lately. I thought Portland and I had an agreement, 9 months of rain is fine as long as July, August, and September are sunny and dry. The cooler temperature and grey skies made me crave warm soup. But since it's summer, I wanted it to be very fresh. Here's what I came up with.
2 sweet red peppers
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
3-4 medium tomatoes
olive oil
1 bag of frozen roasted corn (Trader Joe's)
1 C fat-free cottage cheese
3 C water or chicken stock
2 links of chicken sausage (I used an smoked apple chardonnay flavor from Trader Joe's)
Herbs and spices - I used thyme and cayenne (weird combo but good)
Salt and pepper
Cut peppers in half and remove seeds. Quarter the onion and tomatoes. Place peppers, onion, tomatoes, and garlic on a baking sheet and spray with olive oil. Bake at 450˙ for about 30 minutes, turning at least once. Place in heat-proof container. Add stock, 1/2 bag of corn, and cottage cheese. Use immersion blender to puree it. You can also put it all in a blender/food processor. Dice the sausage and saute until browned. Add sausage and rest of the corn and mix. Enjoy!
I ate a bowl with a salad and a slice of olive bread with cambozola cheese.
I realize I am not the official referee of the internet so I really have no say in this. But I'm saying it anyway... "cougar" is over. I thought we all agreed to this in late 2008 but I've recently found ample evidence to the contrary. Even worse, said evidence is from corporate America, meaning that very soon, your grandma will be saying she's the cougar of her retirement home. Just the thing to ruin family dinner.
Exhibit A: Really, Mark McGrath is back? And he thought this was a good idea for his new album? He does realize he's 41, right? Yes, I had to google him to find out his age, I immediately cleared my browser history and took a hot shower.
Exhibit B: I think this might be the more egregious crime since Courtney is committing a woman-on-woman crime by starring in this. But the most soul-chilling part is that I relate a little bit. Watch at your own peril.
I moved into a new apartment about 2 months ago. It's much bigger than my last place. And if you remember all the minor details of my life, I was a travel nurse not too long ago, so I had very little furniture. It's been so fun buying some new stuff and re-doing/re-working other stuff. I thought I could share a bit.
I have a sofa and a few other chairs but wanted floor cushions. There are lots of cute options but most of those are well over $100 each. I found some faux leather cushions at Target, on sale for $29.
Then I recovered them with Amy Butler fabrics. I love them!
It seems like KaRyn just got home for Korea and she's already on her way to D.C. But she's a smart girl so at her going away party, she asked each of us to bring her a mix CD for her cross-country drive. I've made that drive a few times and it can be dangerously sleep-inducing. Do you remember that VW commercial from a few years ago, with the convertible and Pink Moon by Nick Drake? While I don't recommend too much night driving on long trips,that was the feeling I was going for. Relaxed and happy and hopeful for the future. Well mostly, I might have thrown in more than a few Portland bands so she doesn't forget us. Here's a copy of mine if you want it. (click link to download)
Go On, Say It - Blind Pilot Paul's Song - M. Ward Wires - Coconut Records My America - A Camp Help I'm Alive - Metric Rock & Roll - Eric Hutchinson The Reeling - Passion Pit White Daisy Passing - Rocky Votolato Vermont Avenue - Ferraby Lionheart Hurt Feelings - Flights of the Conchords You Don't Know Me - Ben Folds featuring Regina Spektor Dimmer - Bishop Allen Beat (Health, Life and Fire) - Thao With The Get Down Stay Down Hearts On Fire - Cut Copy Airstream Driver - Gomez Breaking It Up - Lykke Li All My Days - Alexi Murdoch
I almost put this under "interests" but I think it is such a good description of me. Letting the creative juices flow while still maintaining correct spelling and grammar. That pretty much sums it up.
Oh, and I love chocolate milk.